Hertfordshire Golf Level 2 Rules Seminar 2024

Herfordshire Golf recently held an R&A Level 2 Rules School event at Moor Park GC on Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd April

Hertfordshire Golf recently staged an R&A Level 2 Rules Seminar at Moor Park.

40 delegates from Hertfordshire and 6 other counties participated in 2 days of lectures, practical demonstrations and role play scenarios. As the photos suggest, the weather wasn’t helpful!

The tutors were 4 members of the HG Championship Committee, joined by Sam Barker-Sabido, the newly appointed England Golf Rules of Golf Manager.

Delegates now have the opportunity to sit the R&A Level 2 Rules exam, which may lead to further training on the way to becoming a qualified referee.

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Herfordshire Golf recently held an R&A Level 2 Rules School event at Moor Park GC on Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd April