Supported by

The Golf Holidays Direct Mens Scratch league


2025 Fixtures showing 01-Apr are not actual date, they are To Be Confirmed

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4

Division 5

Division 6

Division B1

Division B2

The Golf Holidays Direct Mens Scratch League Rules

1. Matches in Divisions 1 and 2 are played over Foursomes in the morning and Singles in the afternoon. Matches in all other divisions are played over one series of Singles matches.

2. All competitors must be male, amateur golfers who are affiliated members of Hertfordshire Golf with their Home Club in Hertfordshire. Competitors may only play for their Home Club and may only play for one club during any season. Any points won by a player subsequently found to be ineligible will be awarded to the opposition and the result of the match adjusted accordingly. Section 20, Part II of HG Terms of Play applying to all competitions is in operation.

3. Teams should comprise eight players per side (although four players or more may constitute a “team”). No substitutes are allowed during the playing of a match, except in exceptional circumstances and then only with the agreement of the opposing Team Captain. A team that comprises fewer than eight players at the start of a match may include additional players later in that match. When fewer than eight players are taking part in a series of Foursomes or Singles, the position(s) at the end of the team order must be left empty. If a named player is not present at the time his game is due to tee-off, Rule 5.3a applies. Any player disqualified under this rule from a morning Foursomes game, may compete in the afternoon Singles.

4. All games should be played as two balls, unless otherwise agreed by both clubs when the fixture is arranged. Home clubs are asked to ensure that sufficient starting times are reserved so that matches can be played without undue delay.

5. All games are to be played over 18 holes in accordance with the Rules of Golf. This includes each teeing area being correctly defined by two tee-markers. A game that is all square after 18 holes will end in a tie and will not be extended.

6. Matches should be played at weekends or on Bank Holidays between 1st April and 1st October. Dates of matches must be mutually agreed and notified to the Men’s Scratch League Administrator as soon as possible.

7. Once a date is agreed, it may only be changed by agreement of both clubs or if it is known that the course will be closed on the scheduled date. Unless they provide details of exceptional circumstances which are approved by the Men’s Scratch League Administrator, any club which fails to fulfil an agreed fixture will be relegated to the lowest division and their matches made void for the season. That club will also start their next season in the Men’s Scratch League with a deduction of 10 points. The result of any match that is not completed by the end of the season will have the result determined by the Men’s Scratch League Administrator. No match may be conceded.

8. In the event of bad weather, every effort should be made to complete the whole match on the arranged date. A match can only be abandoned if the home club closes the course or if the two Team Captains agree that the course has become unplayable. In this instance a reasonable amount of time should be allowed for conditions to improve. If the Foursomes have been completed and the course later becomes unplayable, the Foursomes results shall stand and the Singles must be re-scheduled (in which case a club is free to alter its original team).

9. The Hertfordshire Golf Extreme Weather Policy is in operation. If any League match is due to be played on a course where a Met Office Red warning for extreme weather is in place, the match may be postponed at the request of either of the clubs involved.

10. In accordance with Rule 24.4, each team may name one Advice Giver whom players on the team may ask for advice and receive advice from during the round (in addition to those permitted under Rule 10.2a). The Advice Giver must be identified to the opposing team at the start of the match, must not be a professional golfer and must keep off all putting greens.

11. The use of caddies is permitted, provided that no caddie is a professional golfer. A player whose own game has concluded may then caddie for a team-mate.

12. During a game, a player or caddie must not ride on any form of motorised transportation, except when prior authorisation has been granted in accordance with the Hertfordshire Golf Transportation Policy.

13. The home club must provide courtesy of the course to the visiting team on the day of the match, together with lunch and tea for Division 1 and 2 matches and lunch or tea for other matches.

14. All match results must be returned by the home Team Captain to the Men’s Scratch League Administrator on the forms downloadable from They should be sent by email immediately following the match to

15. The results shall be scored as follows:
1 Game Point for each game won ½ Game Point for each game halved
Divisions 1 & 2: 4 Match Points for winning the match 2 Match Points each for a halved match
Other divisions: 2 Match Points for winning the match 1 Match Point each for a halved match

16. The winners of Division 1 win the President’s Cup. The winners of all Divisions will receive a County Shield. The top two teams in Divisions 2 to 6 and B2 will be eligible for promotion. The bottom two teams in Divisions 1 to 5 and B1 may be relegated. If two or more teams have an equal number of points, the tie will be resolved in favour of the team with the higher number of Match Points. In the event that tying teams finish with the same number of Match Points, the result of the matches between those teams will be used to break the tie. If there is still a tie, it will be resolved in favour of the away team or, if necessary, by the toss of a coin.

17. Should any dispute arise, the Men’s Scratch League Administrator will liaise with the HG Championship Committee, whose decision will be final.
Rules relating specifically to the B League

18. A club may only enter a team into the B League if that club is also represented in the Men’s Scratch League.

19. Any player who plays in more than one match during the season in the Men’s Scratch League will be ineligible to play any further matches in the B League for the remainder of the season.

20. Any player who played in more than three matches for his club during the previous season’s Men’s Scratch League will be ineligible to play in that club’s first three matches in this season’s B League.

Golf Holidays Direct Men's Scratch League Results Sheets

2024 Mens Scratch League Champions – Harpenden Common GC – represented here by Ryan & Dean Hodges