The Hertfordshire Development Group is represented by various partners who support the 53Â clubs in the county and 7Â Artisan clubs. These partners are England Golf, Golf Foundation, PGA (Professional Golf Association), and Hertfordshire Sports Partnership all working with Volunteers with the primary objective of growing the game of golf across the county of Hertfordshire and ensuring that there is a pathway available to any person, regardless of age, gender, background or ability, that wishes to participate in this fantastic game.
Rowena Hemmings has been heavily involved in County Development setting up the Herts Golf Partnership group in 2006. She is a keen golfer who plays her golf at Porters Park Golf Club where she was Lady Captain and served on the Executive Committee as Chair of Golf. She was Junior Area Manager for the South East Region from 2000-2005 and County Captain and 1st team Captain from 2005-2007. Â
Her development role covers:
- Incorporate prioritised initiatives into Action Plan
- Liaise with England Golf Regional personnel for allocation of England Golf Grants
- Review and amend as appropriate progress of initiatives with Development Committee on a bi monthly basisÂ
- Produce and circulate annual Development Strategy
- Liaise regularly with County Development Officer.
Identify and prioritise initiatives relevant to increasing participation in Hertfordshire.
This development role covers:Â
- iTour and Futures tour Controller
- Club liason for development with the aim of growing the game county wide.
- In conjunction with the County Welfare Officer, promote the issues of Safeguarding Young and Vulnerable People with the Clubs.Â
- Identify and prioritise initiatives relevant to increasing Golf participation in Hertfordshire, including all examples of Good Practice in Clubs.
- Identify potential sources of funding and apply as appropriate to support the implementation of the Development plan.
- Assist Golf Clubs with retention of members.
- Contact:Â
- Tel : 07496 653 056
- Email :