Mens Seniors win Regional Southern Counties Foursomes Qualifier at Muswell Hill

Mens County Seniors Team qualify through to the Southern Counties Foursomes Final

Match report – Southern Counties Men’s Seniors Foursomes Qualifier – by Captain Simon Kay

This year’s qualifier was held at Muswell Hill GC with teams from Essex, Kent and Middlesex playing a combination of foursomes matches both morning and afternoon. The weather forecast was once again poor and whilst we largely stayed dry in the morning, the afternoon was a different story, as were our matches results.  

The morning results were not as we wanted with some disappointed faces over lunch. We had 2 wins our of 5 in the morning with victories from Tye Carter/Paul Nancarrow and Phil Embleton/Simon Kay. The other 3 matches simply didn’t go our way with leads lost as can only happen in foursomes.

With a rather demotivated team watching the rain pour down outside, it was time for a Churchillian talk to raise spirits. This wasn’t forthcoming, rather the offer of a piece of the lovely Victoria Sponge chocolate cake, that sat proudly on the bar, for all winners. This clearly inspired the team and having sat in 3rd place at lunch time, we managed to win all 5 games in the afternoon with some commanding performance, in what can only be called damp conditions!

A massive performance from the whole team and whilst no one should be singled out, a specific thank you should be given to Jason Court, our reserve for the match, who got the call at 7am to be on the tee by 8.50!

We now move onto the final At Weston-Super-Mare in September.

Click below to view the full results sheet;

Seniors Foursomes results sheet 2024

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Mens County Seniors Team qualify through to the Southern Counties Foursomes Final